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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Heartfelt and Revealing Post In Defense of Mr. Shales' Column in the Washington Post

Mr. William Stosine, a recognized writer and GLBTI activist posts his reply to my comments regarding Mr. Tom Shales' column about the Rosie cruise documentary's characerization of GLBTI people.

I feel very glad to have had this chance to learn about Mr. Shales to some degree through Mr. Stosine's entry here. Thank you Mr. Stosine.

-MW Savant


  • At 16/4/06 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I read your comment and his and the others at that link. You're an ass for slammmign the writer the way you did. You act like a stuck up, snotty ass to me.

  • At 16/4/06 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for your input Ted. I was simply expressing my opinion as an individual. And as a person who was there with a number of the people who got off that ship. I don't feel it was "snotty" to offer my defense of the people I met. You are certainly entitled to feel that way.

  • At 16/4/06 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Stosine is ridiculed for hie endless editorials. Guess hes got nothing better to do. Why give him a forum?


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