I make every attempt to keep my personal rants off this forum because that's not what it's here for. Or maybe it is. So here goes.
I take immeasurable umbrage at the snide, "snappish" mess that Tom Shales of the Washington Post spewed about the the people depicted in Rosie's documentary, "All Aboard...". His review of the film is his prerogative. The review's following comment and others contained therein are what are just not cool.
In 'Rosie's Family Cruise' Steers Away From Deep Water' Tom Shales has the audacity to assert that the passengers were being shown as
The passengers, many of whom visited our booth (and signed up at our table for info and such) at the ('kid friendly') street fair hosted by the Key West Business Guild, were perfectly lovely people! Some might even venture to call them "ATYPICAL! (Whatever the HELL that is)"
I am miffed by this crap-stirring nonsense of Shales and its tone which I perceive as a somewhat doleful, careless and unnecessary indictment of what gay people are "supposed to be"! Speaking of platitudes...Mr. Shales: NEWSFLASH! Same-sex moms and dads are pretty much as 'regular folks' as anybody else. For you to have expectations of a Cruisin' Cruise is simply bigoted and foolish. The ink that reinforced this baneful stereotype is on your hands too.
The parents that I met personally, were 'undetectable' from anyone else on Duval Street that day based on your perceptions. Parents of every description straight or not, simply looked like "PARENTS" You Know...? Carrying a load of kiddie stuff, hats, sunscreen, shades, lunch!!! They displayed their "parent" status by giving clear directions to their charges in regard to crossing the street correctly, proper manners--- I know! Boring right?
Fortunately people are astute enough to recognize your comments for the inflammatory rubbish they are. I find it highly offensive that you would choose to reinforce an, already, lamentable characterization of GLBTI people and parents based on stereotypes. Granted, there are some GLBTI folks who choose to express ourselves in the manner you recklessly applied to these GLBTI parents. I wonder how readily you might have chosen to hurl those charges against an ethnic minority instead?
Sweaty, casual, relaxed, comfortable, confident, protected and respected were the parents and children that came to my booth for a bit of shelter from the scorching Key West sun. The conversations were about plans, parenting and "you'd never BELIEVE what little Joe or Jane did at the breakfast buffet" stories.
They spoke to me of feeling safe (for the first time or in a long time) in living their lives as who they were: same-sex parents in a society where same-sex parents and same-sex couples are reviled.
They talked about the joy of being able to go somewhere and feel---brace yourself---
"Normal"! They spoke of their happiness and pride in caring for another human being and their promise to see them develop through to self-sufficiency and adulthood. I know it ain't "sexy", Mr. Shales, but dignity and honor are all people want in life. Despite your feelings about film (which you found nothing good about), the collateral damage must be considered.
Your drech did get my ire up because of its callous and thoughtless tone. Perhaps when looking for the visual of the gays you have come to expect, write a piece about an all gay, adult, singles' cruise and do nothing more to slag off hard working GLBTI parents for the sake of a "punchy" headline. I think back with fondness and admiration of these people doing something that so many others refuse to. They are daring to parent. Daring to be uninhibited, unashamed and proud of their families. Daring to be GLBTI people just trying to have a nice vacation. I remember each and every family I met and those things most.
Pierced or not, Sir, they were people that I found it an honor to meet. I won't forget that in spite of their not living up to your expectations of how they "should" have been portrayed in your estimation. Perhaps some of those platitudinous, goody-goody positive images were---OMG!---just boring and realistic?
MW Savant, CEO
Nod of thanks to AmericaBlog
I make every attempt to keep my personal rants off this forum because that's not what it's here for. Or maybe it is. So here goes.
I take immeasurable umbrage at the snide, "snappish" mess that Tom Shales of the Washington Post spewed about the the people depicted in Rosie's documentary, "All Aboard...". His review of the film is his prerogative. The review's following comment and others contained therein are what are just not cool.
In 'Rosie's Family Cruise' Steers Away From Deep Water' Tom Shales has the audacity to assert that the passengers were being shown as
'...a scrubbed-up, politely tidy image of gay men and women -- a portrait meticulously devoid of the drag queens, pierced nipples and campy vamping one often sees when a local TV station rushes off to cover a gay-themed event.'Speaking as someone who was there and obviously gets no special consideration for offering my opinion (as in: nobody offered ME a Freakin' cruise!) I wish to share the truth about the people I met from that ship as it arrived on Key West that June.
The passengers, many of whom visited our booth (and signed up at our table for info and such) at the ('kid friendly') street fair hosted by the Key West Business Guild, were perfectly lovely people! Some might even venture to call them "ATYPICAL! (Whatever the HELL that is)"
I am miffed by this crap-stirring nonsense of Shales and its tone which I perceive as a somewhat doleful, careless and unnecessary indictment of what gay people are "supposed to be"! Speaking of platitudes...Mr. Shales: NEWSFLASH! Same-sex moms and dads are pretty much as 'regular folks' as anybody else. For you to have expectations of a Cruisin' Cruise is simply bigoted and foolish. The ink that reinforced this baneful stereotype is on your hands too.
The parents that I met personally, were 'undetectable' from anyone else on Duval Street that day based on your perceptions. Parents of every description straight or not, simply looked like "PARENTS" You Know...? Carrying a load of kiddie stuff, hats, sunscreen, shades, lunch!!! They displayed their "parent" status by giving clear directions to their charges in regard to crossing the street correctly, proper manners--- I know! Boring right?
Fortunately people are astute enough to recognize your comments for the inflammatory rubbish they are. I find it highly offensive that you would choose to reinforce an, already, lamentable characterization of GLBTI people and parents based on stereotypes. Granted, there are some GLBTI folks who choose to express ourselves in the manner you recklessly applied to these GLBTI parents. I wonder how readily you might have chosen to hurl those charges against an ethnic minority instead?
Sweaty, casual, relaxed, comfortable, confident, protected and respected were the parents and children that came to my booth for a bit of shelter from the scorching Key West sun. The conversations were about plans, parenting and "you'd never BELIEVE what little Joe or Jane did at the breakfast buffet" stories.
They spoke to me of feeling safe (for the first time or in a long time) in living their lives as who they were: same-sex parents in a society where same-sex parents and same-sex couples are reviled.
They talked about the joy of being able to go somewhere and feel---brace yourself---
"Normal"! They spoke of their happiness and pride in caring for another human being and their promise to see them develop through to self-sufficiency and adulthood. I know it ain't "sexy", Mr. Shales, but dignity and honor are all people want in life. Despite your feelings about film (which you found nothing good about), the collateral damage must be considered.
Your drech did get my ire up because of its callous and thoughtless tone. Perhaps when looking for the visual of the gays you have come to expect, write a piece about an all gay, adult, singles' cruise and do nothing more to slag off hard working GLBTI parents for the sake of a "punchy" headline. I think back with fondness and admiration of these people doing something that so many others refuse to. They are daring to parent. Daring to be uninhibited, unashamed and proud of their families. Daring to be GLBTI people just trying to have a nice vacation. I remember each and every family I met and those things most.
Pierced or not, Sir, they were people that I found it an honor to meet. I won't forget that in spite of their not living up to your expectations of how they "should" have been portrayed in your estimation. Perhaps some of those platitudinous, goody-goody positive images were---OMG!---just boring and realistic?
MW Savant, CEO
Nod of thanks to AmericaBlog
At 8/4/06 12:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wow Dude. Thank you For that! You speak beautifully and powerfully. Wow.
At 16/4/06 11:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am a long-time gay activist myself, was once named to OUT Magazines "Out 100" and have written letters to the editor for 35 years (do a google search on my last name and you'll find many). I am also a personal friend of Tom Shales. Tom, who is in his 60s and has never been married (read into that what you will) is not a right-winger nor a homophobe in the least, as others on the internet keep saying. I feel the need to defend him because he has been very supportive of lgbt issues in his writing over the years. I believe his latest column was misunderstood and many have taken what he said out of context. And, for the record, I agree with him that Rosie's HBO show was rather boring. "Good Intentions" shows usually are. I'm glad it was made, but it was pretty dull (to me) - others may disagree. I know that Tom would be the first to agree that most gay and lesbian people look and act and are completely "normal." I'm sure he didn't mean to imply otherwise in his column.
William Stosine
Iowa City Ia.
At 16/4/06 12:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mr. Stosine. Thank you for your view of the piece by Mr. Shales.
More importantly, thank you for all you do and have done for the community! I am most grateful.
It appears from your very open comment that you have a pretty clear picture of and an enduring friendship with Mr. Shales. It follows that you would have a pretty clear view of his position and intent.
It gives me some comfort that you have come forth to make it known that he is not as he could have been and was perceived as a result of his column. I will accept responsibility for not actively seeking out other pieces of his writing with which I could have gleaned an idea of his intentions.
Having met so many of these parents and children, I found myself personally defensive on their behalf---hence, my honest response to what I had read.
I admire your support of your friend. Good friends are so hard to find. I am happy to be given the privileged insight you provide as to Mr. Shales' position on GLBT issues. Thank you for helping me learn about another aspect of this person.
I thank you very much for this eye-opening post.
At 16/4/06 4:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
you are a class act for being that grascious and polite. I like that. I guess you handle your busness the same. Good one guy.
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