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"GLBTI Weddings PLUS!"

The Blog of the U.S.'s first GLBTI-specific Wedding and Events firm. Discussion spot for clients and visitors to interact with staff and experts, in an informal forum, regarding Gay Weddings or Same-Sex Marriage, LGBT weddings and Traditional weddings and other issues affecting the GLBTI.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Come Out for Marriage Equality on National Coming Out Day October 11th!

Come Out for Marriage Equality on National Coming Out Day October 11th.

This year let everyone know that you are out for equal rights on National Coming Out day and every day by trying some of the interesting, innovative, and thought provoking ways described below. For instance,

If you're LGBT and at your high school or college reunion, and an fellow classmate asks, "So are you married?" Try responding "No ... It's illegal!" When they look confused, explain that federal law and 49 of the 50 states' laws prohibit you from marrying and how this denial affects you as an LGBT person. If you have a partner, introduce them and tell about you life together.

If you’re straight and at your high school or college reunion, and an fellow classmate asks, "So are you married?" Try responding "No I’m waiting until it’s legal for my LGBT friends, families, and co-workers!" or “Yes, luckily we have access to the 1138 federal rights that are denied LGBT Americans.” ...Get the details from Marriage Equality USA?


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