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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Pentagon Lists Homosexuality As Disorder

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- A Pentagon document classifies homosexuality as a mental disorder, decades after mental health experts abandoned that full story at Washington Post

(The following is an opinion of MW Savant and does not necessarily reflect the views of, its management, staff or clients)

"Is anybody out there grasping this irrational, reprehensible and vengeful Pentagon drech for what it is? Ummm, could it be a deliberate leak? So now that the current and sanctioned bigotry nurtured by the Right gives license to re-condemn those who are not "just like" them, they dust off the good ole' "mental disorder" classification? They obviously feel justified and SAFE in spreading the well-received, targeted and hateful, anti-GLBT sentiment that they encourage---and scared enough to actually do it. They are learning, however, that increasing numbers of Americans are just about fed-up with being enticed to hate by the government whose purpose is to protect its citizens.

So now that more people are coming to their senses about the biases, stereotypes and outright lies about GLBT people, these vipers throw fuel on the fire in order to restock their supply of lemmings and lambs? The document is ten years old, I believe. Leaked on purpose?

Now that more and more fellow Americans are learning to live life without the baseless "hatred" and fear of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people and realizing that we all can and do co-exist without the horsemen of the apocalypse galloping through the city streets---our government pitches this rubbish to those willing to blissfully consume it!?

We have, all along, been seeing the unmitigated, brazen, sanctioned dishonesty and blatant display of this administration's feeling "above the law" and "untouchable". While this is nothing new, nor shocking, it is a complete slap in the face to the growth, learning and respect that we were learning for our fellow citizens in recent years. It denigrates the science and experts who were brilliant enough to have discredited this divisive rubbish three decades ago. It is a slap in the face to the GLBT pioneers who lived and died under this governmentally sanctioned hatred. It is the twenty-first century Washington! We can continue to evolve as a society and as a culture if only you'd stop the madness. What are you so afraid of?

That's it "fellas"! Another smoke screen? Another diversion? Another display of your rancorous, obvious and cowardly attempt to outrage enough people to deflect the ruthless and steadfast watchful eye that is observing your smug disregard for the American constitution, checks and balances and the American people? Absolutely!

This travesty will be seen, by those of us who pay attention enough to be outraged and by history, for exactly what it is. The folly of this action will have grave ramifications on your, already, sinking ship. Your timing is staggering as is your malevolent arrogance.

Stop scapegoating the GLBTQI community in the midst of all of your unfathomable failures. Stop vilifying the GLBTI community as a tool to mask those historical embarrassments. Focus on the real problems of this nation.
Stop burning the ladder to enlightenment and harmony.Stop teaching and encouraging hatred in this nation yet again. Stop it!"

The list of "disorders" can be found here
via Americablog.

Comments on AOL's Gay & Lesbian Channel/ by gayesteditorever: "
What Was Reich Is Wrong"


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