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"GLBTI Weddings PLUS!"

The Blog of the U.S.'s first GLBTI-specific Wedding and Events firm. Discussion spot for clients and visitors to interact with staff and experts, in an informal forum, regarding Gay Weddings or Same-Sex Marriage, LGBT weddings and Traditional weddings and other issues affecting the GLBTI.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

A lot of 'pride' in Garden State
Sunday, June 25, 2006

"...Yet we gay rights leaders in New Jersey still hear the occasional question, "Can't you gay people seek all the rights of marriage without calling it marriage?

No we can't, because separate is not equal. Imagine the uproar if a politician proposed giving rights to different-race couples not under the label of marriage, but under the label "registered interracial partnerships. The newfangled labels of "civil unions" and "domestic partnerships" are no different...
Read the entire feature

*Steven Goldstein is the chairman of Garden State Equality


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