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"GLBTI Weddings PLUS!"

The Blog of the U.S.'s first GLBTI-specific Wedding and Events firm. Discussion spot for clients and visitors to interact with staff and experts, in an informal forum, regarding Gay Weddings or Same-Sex Marriage, LGBT weddings and Traditional weddings and other issues affecting the GLBTI.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Special by: MW Savant, CEO

You know? There are just some things in the world that lift a heart, dampen an ache or pry a smile from the most world-weary person having a bad day. These blessings are few and far between.

Thankfully, two women...(no cryptic PC nonsense permitted here) ---two women, in a loving and committed relationship, have penned a wickedly dead-on portrait of an image that we have pretty much all seen on the road.

As you listen to "90 Pound Suburban Housewife Drivin' in her SUV", the visuals rip through the mind's eye and irresistably entice nods of agreement and grins of confirmation! Suzanne and Rozanne are such formidable professional women in their own right, apart from this new hit. Their good-natured and joyful energy was evident as I watched their feature on CNN this morning.

Rozanne and Suzanne have the intention of doing their part in reducing our country's addiction to oil and chose the song as a way to draw attention to the topic as well as to entertain. I believe they've done it!
According to an e-mail from Rozanne,
"Suzanne and I live our truth every day and do it joyously."
It was truly a pleasure to see these phenomenal women (on global television no less) stand up by just being themselves! The CNN correspondent Jeanne Moos says in her B-roll voice over, "Speaking of're a couple?" The women simply and confidently confirmed their connection and moved on. Just as I will do.

I can imagine that some people would say, "What the hell does this have to do with GLBTQI weddings or marriage?" I say that (while incidental to the topic of the post) it's about tangible proof of responsible, dedicated and devoted relationships (once again knocking the GLBTI's 'incapable of fidelity' stereotype's **** in the dirt). It's about PRIDE. It is about courage and it's about living and loving and accepting and creating. It's about the ladies' relationship not being a shocking, time-stopping big deal (for lack of a better phrase). It, to me, seemed as natural and incidental to the CNN piece as whether or not the sun was up. THAT felt so COOL!

What a pleasure it was to watch the feature and learn about these wonderful ladies. There's talk that they'd like the one and only Dolly Parton to record it! That would be FUN!
Thanks for your wit, spirit and for being a part of the family! Best wishes to Suzanne and Rozanne in their family, their projects and their love!

You can go here to purchase the tune!!!


  • At 3/5/06 3:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I saw it too! Very funny and like he said, very cool. Good for them. Terrific.

  • At 3/5/06 3:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    this song is a trip and it is so true of where I live in Florida. It's a great songg. My girlfriend (fiance) and me are having fun with it. too funny.

  • At 3/5/06 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    loved it.


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