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"GLBTI Weddings PLUS!"

The Blog of the U.S.'s first GLBTI-specific Wedding and Events firm. Discussion spot for clients and visitors to interact with staff and experts, in an informal forum, regarding Gay Weddings or Same-Sex Marriage, LGBT weddings and Traditional weddings and other issues affecting the GLBTI.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

NJ May Be Next to Allow Marriage Equality

It was, perhaps, serendipitous to have chosen New Jersey as the new base for when expanding operations from Key West, Florida. Now, within ten months of our expansion, New Jersey is pondering embracing full-on marriage equity. When evaluating locations, Canada and Massachusetts were reasonably the first ones on the table. The move was prompted by our desire to grow and to service a growing number of clients in the northeast while strengthening our work in the Florida Keys. It is just possibly really good fortune that we came here when we did. We await the outcome.

"Canada was a first conversation. It was impractical and hugely expensive to basically re-launch a business in a foreign country. I started this business to be dedicated to serving GLBTQI people in the USA. I grew up in this state and am accustomed to its fair-minded attitude. It was funny and exciting that the discussion turned to New Jersey when we were researching additional locations. Two states in two just years is MORE than pleasing at this point! We had discussed about 10 different places and it's wonderful to be back in my home state."

-MW Savant, CEO

To hear an NPR audio story about NJ Marriage & the court, click here.


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