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"GLBTI Weddings PLUS!"

The Blog of the U.S.'s first GLBTI-specific Wedding and Events firm. Discussion spot for clients and visitors to interact with staff and experts, in an informal forum, regarding Gay Weddings or Same-Sex Marriage, LGBT weddings and Traditional weddings and other issues affecting the GLBTI.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Billie Jean King's New Thing

The tennis legend has decided to design a fitness center, bearing her name, for the first GLBTI retirement community in Palms Springs, California. You can read about the center here.

Many of us grew up with this daring lady of Tennis and remember her bravery in coming out publically. She has since been heavily involved in children's fitness and developing tennis players along with her HIV/AIDS and charity efforts.

Thanks to Billie Jean King for her bold, fearless contributions to the community!


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